New England Colonies

The colonies of the New England Region of Colonial America is: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. 

I. Facts and information about the New England Colonies:

*Geography: New England consisted of mountains thick with trees, rivers and poor rocky soil that was difficult to farm and unsuitable for crops.

*Natural Resources:  Fish, whales, forests.  New England imported agricultural products from the other colonies.

*Religion: No religious freedom.  The Puritans did not tolerate any other religions.

*Climate: Coldest of the three regions.  Mild and short summers leading to cold and long winter.

*Trade/Exports:  Fishing, whaling, ship building, timber products, fur trading, maple syrup, copper, livestock, horses, rum and whiskey, beer.

II.  New England: Economic Activity and Trade:
Geography and climate impacted trade and economic activity of the New England Colonies.  In New England towns along the coast, the colonists made their living fishing, whaling, and shipbuilding.  The fish included cod, mackerel, herring, halibut, hake, bass, and sturgeon.  Whale oil was a valuable resource as it could be used in lamps.  Farming was difficult in New England for crops like wheat because of the poor soil but corn, pumpkins, rye, squash, and beans were planted.  Many relied on manufacturing and exporting rum and whiskey.

III.  New England Government:
In New England, the colonist elected their own legislatures and they were democratic.  They had a governor, a governor's court, and a court system.  The colonies were either ROYAL or CHARTER government:

*Royal government: The royal colonies were ruled directly by the English King.

*Charter government: Generally self-governed and their charters were granted to the colonists.

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